
Before continuing reading this topic, please also read the documentation about: 

Required plugins

Note: Please install and activate all required plugins before importing the template.

To use this feature, activate the Import / Export experiment via  Elementor > Settings > Experiments. Once you activate the new Import/Export functionality experiment, you will be able to find the options located in Elementor > Tools 


To Import your Export Kit from another website:

  1. From Elementor > Tools > Import / Export click the Start Import button
  2. The Import Kits page will open 
  3. Drag your Export Kit .ZIP file to the area provided, or click to select the .ZIP file from your local computer

  4. You will now be asked to choose the content you wish to be imported. By default, all items are checked. 

  5. The importer will notify you of any templates that are currently in use on your existing website and give you the option to overwrite each. Templates left unchecked will still be imported, however, the display conditions will not be set.  Choose the most appropriate options for you at this time. 

  6. The process will start immediately. Depending on your file size, the process will take several seconds to a couple of minutes to complete. Once completed, you will be prompted to return to your dashboard. 

Important: We recommend that you backup your site before importing a kit file.

Tip: If you develop your website locally using Local by Flywheel, Xampp, or other server solutions, you must allow inbound traffic to your web server. The importer must be able to reach the source files in order to grab images and other dependencies. This is done by enabling the Live Link (Local by Flywheel), or by Port Forwarding on others. Refer to your server documentation. If unable to do so, you will need to manually replace the missing dependencies on the new website.

How To Set The Site Logo

  1. Go to the Appearance section, click Customize. 

  2. In the left sidebar, click Site Identity. The Site Identity panel appears. 

  3. On the Site Identity panel, click Select logo. The Media Library tab of the Select logo dialog appears: 

How to set Popup in Header

The popup in the header can be set from the Header section 

Then click the icon where the popup appears, and go to the "Link" option, then click Settings, and set Offcanvas (Templates) 

How to set Template in Banner

Find and click the Templates widget in the Header/Banner Section, then select Banner Template (Template) and update the page 

The image on the banner can be changed from the section Page Banner > Style > Background Overlay > Image 

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