How To Fix Styling Issue

After importing the Elementor Template Kit, the styles, including colors, fonts, and layouts, often do not match the demo that we have provided. This discrepancy occurs because your website is still using the default theme style.

To resolve this issue, you should disable the default style by following these steps.

  • Go to Elementor > Settings.
  • Check this option (Disable Default Colors & Disable Default Fonts).
  • Then click "Save Changes."

Here is what you already have: a website that is identical to the demo we displayed.

How to Fix Styling Issues After Updating Elementor Version

After updating the Elementor version, some individuals often encounter problems with the appearance of websites that were built using Elementor. This issue occurs with every update and is caused by the website server cache preventing Elementor from rewriting the CSS files.

To resolve this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Elementor > Tools.
  2. Click on "Regenerate CSS & Data" and "Sync Library".

  3. Finally, click on "Save Changes".

By doing this, the appearance of your website will be restored to its previous state.

Tip: We highly recommend that you back up and test your staging site before updating any plugins or the WordPress version. If you encounter no issues, you can proceed with updating on your main site.

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